All text contained on these pages is copyright of DORS and cannot be used without DORS permission. Photo Copyright All
graphics, photographs and pictures on this Web site are copyright of DORS
/ Richard Anderson, unless otherwise stated. All images on this site are
covered by the terms of DORS blanket license: Printing of photos for personal use If you like any of the photos that appear in the DORS website and want to copy of one of the pictures for your own use e.g. to stick on your wall or use in a school project etc., then please feel free to print anything you like from our site. If you would like a good-quality print from the original slide or negative, then you need only make a donation to DORS and we will mail you one as a thank you! Non-commercial Web use of photos If you have a personal home page or non-commercial Web service, please feel free to use DORS photographs with hyperlinked credit "photographs courtesy of DORS at" That way people know who took the picture and also can look at our web page and become aware of the copyright surrounding the photo. You do not need to pay for usage. Commercial Web use of photos If you would like to use our pictures on a commercial page, then please do the following:
Depending upon your line of commerce you may not need to pay for usage, though DORS reserve the right to deny usage on sites that we decree unsuitable. Note: remember that most of the pictures of people on our pages are not model-released. Advertising usage of photos (e.g. brochures, catalogs, print ads) is very different from editorial usage of photos (e.g., newspaper and magazine articles, books). You cannot use pictures in advertising (e.g., an on-line product brochure or anything else that is selling) without getting a model release from any person whose image is recognizable in the photo. You might also have problems if an image contains a recognizable physical property. Use of photos and Web pages in print or other electronic media If you simply want to use DORS photographs to illustrate an article that is not about DORS, e.g., you just want a photo of an Yi Minority woman to go with a story on China's Minorities, then that is commercial usage, you are not covered by any of these blanket licenses, and you should send an e-mail with a proposal. This includes and applies to all newspapers, magazines, companies, NGOs, governments, agencies, institutions etc. |